The world economy has been hit badly; a million job cuts; fire-hire dramas; bankruptcy ...
It all started with the Lehman Brothers which saw the full fury of the unforgiving consequences of mismanagement and the year now ends with Satyam and its board in rough seas.
I don't want to talk much of terror. It is only tears and sorrow and I want to be happy while welcoming the first sun rise of 2009. Although, we'll talk about tackling it as the year 2009 begins. Israel's attack on the Gaza strip is a complete no-no but I appreciate their efforts to get rid of the problem of terrorism. Maybe they could've waited for 2009 and celebrated the new years party.
In the spur of the moment we do things that do not always give the best results. When we sit back and look for the best path with a cool mind, we not only reach a solution but we also give it back. (My Guru Gyan...Aha!)
Media has been in a mess, but like a hyperactive child it has delivered something positive on more than one occasion.
Cricket has been good apart from the Srilanka series. Good also includes some voluntary (Sourav dada and Anil Kumble) retirements. (What! Did they actually retire or was it forced? Never mind, such a benign gesture is always welcome)
The year 2008 no doubt goes to ISRO. First they set a record by launching 10 satellites in orbit and then yes the unforgettable Chandrayaan-1.
Tatas had a mixed year. First it was the acquisition of Jaguar and Land Rover from ford and then the Nano drama. Nano's grand inauguration in January was on a positive note, but soon Mamta ji ki army threw a good project for the citizens of West Bengal into the gutter. All I can say is that it went from Mamta to Modi. Modi ji ki jai!
Assembly elections saw incumbency not necessarily development win in Delhi, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. But the tide was in favour of Congress. Congress mata ki jai !
The one man who stood apart from the rest was none other than Barack Obama. Yipee! Hurray!
Thats it for this year's posts. Some were lame, others ok-ok and a few were acknowledged as a not such a bad attempt. Thats fine for me. It'll do
In the end what matters is...
people offer more to the gods of peace so that this world becomes a safer, happier and peaceful place.
Happy New year!

PS: No more Guru Gyan like no drinking and driving. Yup! I know you know it, but still, Don't drink and drive.