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Showing posts from December, 2012

Everybody wants to feel "SPECIAL"

The only thing we lack today in our life is our time. Without this time and a plenty of things in mind, life gets tough on relationships. These bonds weaken over time. Even with colleagues our general likability goes down adversely impacting our professional growth. What can we do to change it? We always like those people who listen to our stories, appreciate our work, or laugh at our jokes. These are the people who tell us that our story, work or joke is special. In a way they make us feel special by covertly  caring about us. In on line, everyone, the attention seeker or the introvert wants to feel special. The big people, and even the small ones, all want it. Getting it makes the world slightly more happy. The following video from the movie "Munnabhai MBBS" is a perfect demonstration of the positive effect. We live in a social world where our success not only depends on our performance but that of our team. For a team to be successful every person in it needs

Giving the finger to a scripted life!

It's crazy to take jobs just because they look good on your resume. That's like saving sex for your old age. ~ Warren Buffet. You have plans for your life, career etc. You've built an entire script but what is this based on? Scott at Ted talks about how almost 80% of the people around the world don't like the job they do. In his career, he found one day that most of the job he did was automated by his competitors. Building the resume was clearly not way forward. It was during that time he he heard the quote by warren buffet, " It's crazy to take jobs just because they look good on your resume. That's like saving sex for your old age ". This was when he left his job. While there are know universities, which talk about finding your passion, Scott talks about a lens that can help in finding the job we love.

Social Media as a solution to businesses that aren't doing well

Social media can provide a solution platform for businesses that aren't doing well. Not because it is cheap! Not because it is a magic wand! Take this case - What do you do when you are in a financial crisis? What do you do as a person when you are unemployed? You borrow money from a close friend or take help from your family. You take help from people who like you and care about you. These are the ones that have spent sufficient time with you. Drawing on this analogy, an ailing business can use social media to build a community around its truly loyal fans. These are the ones that still like or care about the brand. The ones that did not like the brand left it. These loyal fans have to be engaged and social media presents one such platform. It is important to note that it is still a platform, not the game. The game of engagement is a different story. Engagement is based on the culture that exists within your brand, something you have fostered over the years or someth

Being nice ain't that great for your pay!

A study has found a that young men in the United States who are cooperative and value relationships earn 20 percent less than their peers. The study has been conducted by Timothy A. Judge of the University of Notre Dame. If you indulge in opportunism and do not value relationships, it is highly likely that you are earning 20 percent less than your equally talented opportune colleague. But do not get disappointed! I am not sure as to  whether this is mere correlation or there is a causality. It might indicate that work and relationships are two separate ball games. Goal oriented people are generally more successful at work. They also pay relatively less attention to relationships and are more henceforth more successful. But, relationships are an important source of happiness in life. Being goal oriented would be important for your work life but not your personal life. After all what will you do with that extra 20 percent pay if your personal life suffers? Getting that extra pay an