In my last post, I said that only competent people can afford to be arrogant. So what if your arrogance gives the other person a feeler of your competence. Getting a bigger client for a smaller business would mean matching the level of arrogance displayed by the client. This is what I call pro-arrogance. You arrogance is directed in the same direction as your client's arrogance. This makes you birds of the same feather. And they usually end up flocking together. Prospect to a confirmed sale may just mean matching the arrogance of your prospect.
Facebook has been the dominant social network for quite a while and has an active user base of more than 1.3 billion. Its proliferation in the 18-35 years of age group (52%) makes it ideal for most advertisers. An interesting statistic to observe is the number of people accessing Facebook through Mobile. One of the biggest shifts in social media behavior has been its greater usage through mobile devices (in particular smartphones). According to a report , the internet traffic on mobile accounts for one forth the total internet traffic. Even more important is its growth, which is over 1.5 times per year and according to analysts would stay the same way in the years to come. This shift is even more significant for emerging economies where in a sector such as e-commerce organizations are witnessing close to 65% sales through mobile.